Bahrain upright sprinkler is a reliable equipment that offers easy use. It is among the devices that are frequently used to eliminate the problems that may occur in case of fire. It is especially preferred in closed areas and surrounding areas to be able to intervene in the fire. In addition to being very useful, it is possible to extinguish the fire quickly. No difficulties are encountered during installation or assembly.
What is Bahrain Upright Sprinkler Product?
The Upright sprinkler device is used in a practical way, especially for the purpose of extinguishing the fires that occur in closed areas and which are difficult to intervene. It is among the useful and efficient products as the device can be used in various areas. Therefore, it is widely used among fire extinguishing systems. In addition, it is safe and easy to use, and it is easy to use.
Bahrain upright sprinkler device is very convenient during fire. The glass tube outside the product explodes due to heat. In this direction, the pressurized water hits the distributor and the water is sprayed. During the spraying of water, 60 percent of the pressurized water is directed towards the deflector and 40 percent towards the ceiling. In this way, the water grows and disperses proportionally. Therefore, it is a frequently preferred device.
Bahrain Upright Sprinkler Features
Sprinkler devices are produced for easier intervention in fire processes. In this context, Bahrain upright sprinkler is a fire fighting device due to its features. In addition, although it can be easily installed, it is recommended to be used on ceilings that do not have a suspended ceiling and where pipes are visible. Although it does not capture an aesthetic appearance with the pipes visible outside the ceiling, it is a very functional product for use.
From the point of view of appearance, it easily adapts to many areas and does not cause aesthetic concerns. At the same time, it is produced with materials that can remain intact and fulfill its function even in the most difficult fire conditions. Long-term ease of use is achieved with materials such as chrome and stainless steel. In addition, it has the feature of resistance even against corrosive vapors that may occur during fire extinguishing.
Where to Use Bahrain Upright Sprinkler?
With the automatic water spray feature in the Upright sprinkler device, it is suitable for use in all closed areas where there is a possibility of fire. In this respect, it is very useful for fire extinguishing, fire control and fire detection in closed areas where it cannot be easily intervened during a fire. It is suitable for use in many buildings such as textile factories, parking lots, office buildings, commercial buildings, warehouses, production workshops, especially hotels and hospitals, where there is a low or serious fire probability.
Bahrain upright sprinkler is a very useful device with the advantage of being mounted vertically in buildings without false ceilings. In many buildings that are used by spraying the water down easily, it is possible to respond to the fire quickly. In addition, it adapts to different ceiling heights with its ability to intervene in places 6 meters from the ground. In addition, it works harmoniously for pre-reactive, wet and dry systems.
Bahrain Upright Sprinkler Types
Upright sprinkler types range from ordinary reaction to fast reaction. At the same time, it is possible to provide full protection in every area with varieties such as tank type sprinklers, dry type sprinklers, wide protection sprinklers. Upright sprinkler types also vary according to the material used. In this direction, it is possible to see varieties such as brass and chrome.
At this point, regardless of the type of upright sprinkler, the purpose of use is to respond to the fire quickly. Govalf stands out with its upright sprinkler products and provides the advantage of rapid intervention. In this context, you can access and benefit from the Bahrain upright sprinkler devices offered by Govalf for fire extinguishing and a successful response.