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Dubai uprght sprinkler

Dubai Upright Sprinkler

Dubai upright sprinkler is one of the most important tools in fires and fire hazards. Sprinklers are extremely effective for extinguishing all kinds of ignited goods or materials in case of fire. With the help of sprinklers, precautions are taken against the suddenly spreading flames in large areas. Sprinklers mounted on the ceiling or on the sides are very effective in extinguishing.


Sprinklers, which detect fire and smoke in the fastest way and thus enable the fastest action to be taken, should be present in almost every environment. Its importance increases more in areas with high costs, such as warehouses or businesses, workplaces. Because in case of any possible fire, it notifies as quickly as possible and intervenes immediately. Therefore, people will not be harmed both materially and morally.


How Does Upright Sprinkler Work?


The sprinkler, which is a fire extinguishing system that intervenes alone in the area of ​​the fire, prevents the spread of flames. Therefore, Dubai upright sprinkler is one of the tools that benefit people and places in every respect. This is how the sprinkler works systematically in order to extinguish the flames in the fastest way. Being aware of and responding to the flame makes the sprinkler effective.


When the smoke is detected by the sensing sensors and the warning is sent, the fire starts to extinguish. It reduces the growing flame and high temperature. Spray sprinklers, which are extinguishers at the ends, also save people’s health. It is a very important function that it sticks the smoke to the floor and saves time so that people do not suffocate. It is a very advantageous situation for the professional team to change the perspective when the smoke is eliminated and the professional team arrives.


Is Upright Sprinkler Necessary?


Sprinklers are fire systems that should be in almost every area, especially in large places. People may not know where the fire originated or the cause, especially in large areas. For this reason, sprinklers save lives in order to protect from fire. There is even a regulation on fire protection and the necessity of sprinklers.


Especially places with a height of more than 30.50 meters, apartments with a height of more than 51.59 meters, parking lots with more than 20 vehicles should have sprinklers. Sprinklers should also be located in places where there are crowded groups and the number of people is high. Sprinklers must be included in large places such as halls, entertainment areas, schools. Dubai upright sprinkler works in a very systematic and life-saving way.


What is Upright Sprinkler Working Principle?


Sprinkler system is generally known as spray fire systems. All of them work by spraying. But some of them have points that differ from each other. The first of these is whether there is water in the pipes in the system. The other is whether the sensor works in case of fire detection. Since industrial areas are mostly large areas, sprinklers should be placed here first.


Especially where the electrical panel is located, there should be a fire extinguishing system. Because it is important to support such dangerous rooms with sprinklers for the fastest response. Therefore, the sprinkler must be suitable for its function in terms of area and purpose of use. Dubai upright sprinkler must be well produced in order to be operational and systemically efficient.


What are Upright Sprinkler Features?


Sprinklers are very sensitive to fires, fumes or even the slightest flame. For this reason, the first thing that draws attention in terms of its characteristics is its recognition and perception of fire. Another feature is that it informs people and their environment with the sensor system.


In addition, it saves the environment and people by intervening in the fastest way before and after the fire. Dubai upright sprinkler is extremely effective on fires with its features and functionality. As the Govalf brand, highly efficient and well-functioning sprinklers are produced.

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