Fire Extinguishing Systems are a necessity rather than one of the preferred approaches to ensure building and human safety today. Preparing for disasters such as fire plays an important role in minimizing possible risks, especially in areas with dense human and living populations. Flames developing with fire are not the only cause of negativities in fire situations.
At the same time, smoke, toxic compounds and anything like that produced in the fire process significantly affect human health. Therefore, fire is a much more complicated natural disaster than expected and extremely harmful in terms of its consequences. Fire systems, on the other hand, are the most effective measures taken to eliminate as much as possible the problems that such negativities may cause.
Why Fire Suppression Systems Are Important?
Fire Extinguishing Systems have a very complicated content just like the fire process. It not only provides extinguishing of flames in the area, but also plays an important role in evacuating harmful gas and air. In this direction, it is possible to say that fire systems basically have two tasks.
First of all, Fire Extinguishing Systems are systems that perform extinguishing with different functional features in order to extinguish the flames occurring in the environment. These systems have the ability to intervene directly in the fire manually or automatically. The second function of fire systems is the ventilation function, which ensures that negativities such as smoke in the environment are removed from the fire area.
These two functions can exist simultaneously or independently in fire extinguishing systems. However, precautions should be taken against fires in all areas where life continues in a sustainable way, especially in areas with dense human population. The nature of the measures taken against fires in some areas has even been standardized by the laws enacted by the relevant organs of the state. Especially in areas such as factories, workplaces, educational institutions, health institutions and public institutions, fire systems must be included.
Fire Extinguishing Systems Quality
The first priority should be quality when choosing among Fire Extinguishing Systems. Otherwise, when the dimensions of the negativities that may be caused by the fire are calculated, the consequences of compromising on quality will be quite severe. Govalf develops quality-oriented solutions in fire extinguishing systems with the experience it has gained from the services it has provided in the sector for a long time.