Flow Switch is a type of switch used in wet pipe fire suppression systems. The task of the flow switch, which has a very critical function, in the system is to detect the local fire by receiving the fire alarm information. Therefore, it can be said that flow switches have a very vital function in the sprinkler system. Flow switches have an important role in determining the fire point. The key, which detects in which region the fire is located, ensures that the first intervention takes place in this region. The leaf-shaped mechanism at the end of the flow switches allows the switch to be mounted in two different ways. If desired, it is possible to mount the flow switches in a horizontal or vertical position.
Flow Switch is the most important component of wet pipe fire extinguishing systems, called flow switches. The flow switch, which can transmit electrical signals, is the mechanism that triggers fire intervention by working in accordance with the purpose of the entire installation. Flow switches, which have a special working principle, also prevent possible false alarms that may occur in the fire system.
Flow switches also have a special supervisory mechanism to prevent false alarms. Thanks to this mechanism, possible false alarms can be detected within a period of 80-90 seconds. Flow switches, which also have a timer, are notable for their equipment that prevents false alarms.
What is Flow Switch?
Flow switches are the switches that transmit information about the flow of water to the center when a sprinkler is activated in the sprinkler installation. Thus, it not only provides the first response to the fire, but also activates the installation. The working principle of the flow switch is on the most healthy use of the components in the entire sprinkler system.
Flow switch provides information about the water flow as a result of the explosion of the stagnant water in the system in case of possible fire. This information can come from different sprinkler installations. Therefore, it is vital for the system to know from which zone or unit the information about the sprinkler burst came from. Flow switch detects in which area the fire occurred and notifies the system with the information it sends electrically.
The Flow Switch has a special function in wet pipe fire extinguishing systems to ensure the healthy operation of the installation. The most important function of the flow switch is to determine where the fire occurred during the fire and to transmit it to the system. Thus, it ensures that the system operates in a healthy and efficient manner.
Flow switches have the ability to be mounted horizontally or vertically. The assembly process of flow switches should definitely be done by experienced and expert people in this field. Otherwise, serious problems may occur regarding the operation of the sprinkler system at the appropriate time, and the entire task of the system may be disabled.
Where is Flow Switch Used?
The Flow Switch is used in wet pipe fire suppression systems as specified. Flow switches are available in different models and diameters. Therefore, it is possible to prefer flow switches in different standards according to their models and diameters in wet pipe systems. In order for the flow switch to function properly in the system, it must be connected correctly.
Electrical connection should also be made in assembly and fastening works that must be done by experts in the field. Care should be taken in the maintenance of sprinkler systems against possible fire risks. In addition to routine maintenance work, all problems that occur in the system should be repaired as soon as possible. As with every part of the system, flow switches must be followed carefully during the maintenance and repair process.